
Cross-game AMS resource sharing


AccelByte Multiplayer Servers (AMS) has a multi-tenant architecture designed to enable resource sharing between AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) game namespaces across different hosting environments. This article outlines what resources are shared between game namespaces when you create an AMS account and link it across multiple game namespaces.

AGS Starter

In Starter, the AMS add-on is available for a free trial with the following limitations:

  • The free trial will expire 120 days after activation.
  • You can create only one AMS account, which you can link to the game namespaces in your studio.
  • You will have access to:
    • 1 ttx1.s AMS instance (2 vCPUs, 2 GB RAM) for 2,160 hours (90 days)
    • 224 GB of network egress available for up to four players at ~60kbps per player for 2,160 hours (90 days)
  • You can create up to three fleets, which you can assign to the North America East region only.
  • You can upload and maintain up to 50 GB of dedicated server images.

You can keep track of your AMS usage in your studio namespace. Go to your studio namespace and click on Usage on the sidebar. On the Usage page, you will see your AMS usage information and for every other add-on you've enabled in your AGS account.

Resources shared through AMS account

When your game namespaces are linked to the same AMS account, these resource types can be shared between them.

Uploaded dedicated server images

AMS can be configured to automatically distribute dedicated servers by region. Using the AMS command line interface, you can upload these dedicated servers and have them available for each game namespace that is linked to the AMS account.

You can view the storage quota for dedicated server images from any game namespaces linked to the AMS account.

Observability account and metrics

You can view the observability account and metrics from any game namespaces linked to the AMS account.

Billing account and metrics

You can view the billing account and metrics from any game namespaces linked to the AMS account.

What's next?

To take advantage of these resources, activate AMS in your namespace.