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Manage player inventories from the Admin Portal

Last updated on April 16, 2024

The Inventory service is currently available as an Early Access feature to AGS Premium clients.


This article walks you through how to grant, update, and delete the inventories of your players using the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Admin Portal.


Browse player inventories

To browse the list of players that have been granted inventories, follow these steps:

  1. In the AGS Admin Portal, go to the namespace with the player inventories you want to view.

  2. On the sidebar, go to Game Management > Inventory > List. The Inventory List page displays the list users with inventories.


    You can search for specific users by their user ID.

Grant inventory to a player

  1. On the Inventory List page, click on the + Grant Inventory button. The Grant Inventory form appears.

  2. On the form, search for the user you want to grant a inventory to. Use their user ID in the search. Then, click *Add**.

  3. In the Inventory dropdown, select the inventory you want to grant to the player.

  4. Click on Grant. The inventory is granted to the player.

Update player inventory slot limit

To update the slot limit of a player's inventory, follow these steps:

  1. On the Inventory List page, find the player with the inventory slot limit you want to update and click on their user ID to go to their details page.

  2. On the player's details page, click on the edit (pencil) icon of the Inventory Slot field** to edit its value. You can edit the value as follows:

    • You can increase or decrease the player's slot limit within the limit set in the inventory configuration they are granted with. If for example, the player's inventory configuration has a maximum slots upgrade limit of 25, you can only use a value of to 25 as any number above 25 will not be valid. For more information about setting the maximum slots upgrade limit of an inventory configuration, see Create and manage inventory configuration.
    • If the inventory configuration granted to the player has unlimited maximum slot upgrades limit, then it cannot be edited.
  3. Then, click on the check button to save your changes.

Delete player inventory

Player inventories can only be deleted if they're empty. Ensure that you first remove all the items from a player's inventory before deleting it.

To delete a player's inventory, follow these steps:

  1. On the Inventory List page, find the player with the inventory you want to delete and click on their user ID to go to their details page.
  2. On the player's details page, at the bottom of the Basic Information table, click on the Delete inventory button and click OK on the pop-up. The player's inventory is deleted.